All content materials posted on the Northern Border University portal and its affiliated websites are subject to intellectual property rights, including texts, drawings, photographs, software, designs, etc.

Portal management allows users to view, browse and print for personal use. 

The Deanship of Information Technology manages the Portal. All the materials available, including texts, charts, software, designs, etc., are protected by copyright, trademarks, and property rights. Because one of Portal's main goals is raising awareness and disseminating knowledge to users and visitors, personal and non-profit users are allowed to benefit from Portal's content and any information posted thereon. However, Northern Border University Portal must be credited.

Any parts of the content can be printed in case of personal use. Any sale, license, lease, edit, copy, print, upload, advert, transfer, distribute, publicly demonstrate, edit or derive works from any material or contents of the Portal for public or commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. Written consent must be obtained from the Northern Border University Portals Management before any public use, Stressing the need to abide by all provisions of Saudi Arabia's Intellectual Property Protection Law. Any modification of any of the Portal's contents is strictly prohibited. Charts and photographs are protected by copyright and must not be reproduced or exploited in any way without the prior written consent of Portal's Management.